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Our Story - A Podcast of Our History as a Business

At J.O. Berkefeld we take great pride in the history of our business and acknowledge the hard work of the generations of Berkefeld before us. In April of 2021; Kym, Simon and Matthew Berkefeld sat down to record and immortalise some of their fondest memories of J.O. Berkefeld thus far.


Below on this page, you will find some of the family member's favourite snippets that they would like to share with you.


An Introduction to J.O. Berkefeld
00:00 / 02:53
Kym - A love of ice cream
00:00 / 00:34
Vicki - A story of her husband
00:00 / 00:48
Matthew - Sign of the times
00:00 / 01:22
Simon - The robbery and the footchase
00:00 / 02:45

The late Arthur Berkefeld also did a recording with the ABC in 2015 and shared some of his fonder memories of the business. This can also be found below for your listening pleasure. 

Arthur Berkefeld - The early days
00:00 / 04:58

J.O. Berkefeld Pty Ltd

Hospitality, Packaging and Cleaning Supplies 

Lubricants Distribution



         Find us on Facebook at J.O. Berkefeld

         and on Instagram @joberkefeld

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