The friendly faces of J.O. Berkefeld! Come in and say hello to one of our helpful staff today!

At J.O. Berkefeld, we stock a wide range of Castrol oils. Come in and speak to our team for more information.

Arthur, Kym, Simon and Matthew Berkefeld; past and present employees of this fourth generation family business.

The friendly faces of J.O. Berkefeld! Come in and say hello to one of our helpful staff today!
J.O. Berkefeld is a locally owned business now in it's fourth generation, servicing the Limestone Coast and surrounding areas since 1933.
As a distributor for a number of nationwide companies we are capable of providing goods to the industrial, hospitality and cleaning sectors.
Whether its oil for your truck, packaging for your cafe or household goods for your own home, J.O. Berkefeld will be able to find the product to suit your needs!
How to Find Us
Contact Us
(08) 8725 7122
(08) 8725 3364
25 Heriot Street
Mount Gambier, SA 5290